Dr. Latrese Younger
NCTE LiaisonDr. Latrese D. Younger has several years of education experience across different school settings (rural, suburban , and urban).
Throughout her career, she has taught ELA for grades 6-12. She possesses a Bachelor of Arts in English Education from Virginia State University and a Master of Educational Leadership with a concentration in Technology Education from Strayer University Henrico Campus. Currently, she is a doctoral candidate at Virginia Tech University. She is the content curator for and founder of the non-profit, Black Women Education Leaders, Inc (BWEL).
As an educator, she has also been privileged to serve in several leadership capacities such as Effective School-Wide Discipline Incentive Coordinator, School Newsletter Advisor, Teacher Appreciation Committee Chair, Mentorship Director, Administrative Intern, District-Wide Professional Development Presenter, In-Service PD Coach, Cooperating Teacher of a Practicum Student, ELA District Representative, former Virginia Teachers of English social media curator and current board member, and an ELA curriculum writing partner for two districts.
As a teacher leader, Dr. Younger has served as Director of Achievement in Literacy, an Instruction Assessment and Data Analysis Specialist, and an Assistant Principal of two middle schools and one high school, where she worked collaboratively with her administration teams shifting culture and building teacher capacity.
Dr. Younger currently serves leaders across the state, via the Virginia Department of Education as a School Quality Specialist. She believes the perfect recipe for teachers is a beautiful blend of empathy, resolve, content knowledge, and student passion. Her work is driven by the virtuous quote: “Intelligence, plus character…that is the goal of true education”- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She believes that her role is to serve and attributes that to her active membership in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and her undying faith in Christ.
She resides in Virginia with her husband, son, and English bulldog.