Save the Date – 2015 VATE Conference
VATE’S SAVE THE DATE: It’s never too early to start looking forward to VATE’s next conference! VATE’s annual conference will be held in Virginia’s state capitol: Richmond! Our conference will be from October 16-18 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel downtown. The theme is VATE 101- Back to Basics: Reinvigorating the Foundations of Literacy. Last year VATE celebrated its 100th birthday as an organization. This year, in honor of our 101st year, we’ll springboard off of the 101 course in college and reinvigorate our seminal practices. We invite you to consider not only attending this conference, but to present your best practices. Our conferences wouldn’t be as enlightening without the honor of learning from our colleagues. A session proposal form will be on VATE.org in January, so keep an eye out for it. We also encourage you to invite a friend to VATE’s conference! Reach out to someone in your grade or school who does not typically attend the conference. It’s much easier to implement new ideas if you all go to the same conference! As always, w’e’re looking for more ways to make this conference better for you. Let us know if there is anything you would like to see or experience. See you in October!
Diane Washenberger
atI need to know the cost of registration for the annual conference for budgeting purposes
atPlease see our conference page for more details, but the non-member registration fee is $125, member registration fee $100. See you in October!
Susan Motley
atIs it too late to submit a session proposal for the 2015 Fall Conference?
Chuck Miller, Executive Secretary
atNot too late at all! Proposals are being accepted until August 15. Check out the annual conference page for all the latest information.
atWill there be an exhibit / vendor hall at the conference?
atPlease check our Annual Conference page for information about registration, vendors, hotel reservations, and all things conference related. Looking forward to seeing you in October!