
Affiliate Information

Benefits of Affiliation:

  • Have a local network of trusted members who support one another

  • Collect affiliate member dues to host local affiliate events

  • Access to all standard membership resources including the online resource database


  • Yearly report on activities and membership

  • At least 3 representatives at VATE conference

  • Assure affiliate members are also members of VATE

Affiliate Start Up Procedure:

  1. Form a group of five or more people interested in VATE affiliation

  2. Email affiliate chair with information on first meeting including the names of planners, date, location, and agenda.

  3. Hold first meeting with a central event (like a speaker or panel discussion), decide on affiliate dues and positions

  4. Submit initial meeting report to finalize affiliation

VATE will reimburse up to $50 in initial meeting costs (with receipts) if five new VATE members are signed up within the first six months.