Mark your calendars for the 2017 VATE Conference!
2017 VATE Conference
#LoveLearnVATE: Empowering Teachers, Empowering Students 2017 Annual Conference
October 20th-22nd in Fredericksburg, VA
#LoveLearnVATE: Empowering Teachers, Empowering Students 2017 Annual Conference
October 20th-22nd in Fredericksburg, VA
Bill Gribbin
at“Crowne Plaza on the Marina” where?
Bill Gribbin
atCrowne Plaza on the Marina where?
Angela Cannady
atSettlers Landing
Tara Aycock
atAre you calling for proposals for your break out sessions?
Ashlee Meredith
atWe have not yet put out our call for proposals, but we will soon!